
April 29, 2011

The Next ASTM Meeting for Medical Device Development (Committee F04)

The next ASTM meeting for medical device development (Committee F04) will be meeting from May 15-17th, 2011, in Anaheim, California. This meeting will focus on ASTM standards development for the characterization of UHMWPE, PEEK, and other biomedical plastics, as well as testing protocols for medical devices and cleanliness of medical devices. Contact Cambridge Polymer Group for more details, or visit the ASTM web site.

Posted by admin
April 25, 2011

Medical Grade Polymers 2011

The  Medical Grade Polymers 2011 conference will take place September 13 - 14, 2011 at the Hilton City Avenue in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. The program will have papers from top medical device manufacturers and polymer suppliers, including details of high performance implantable materials, coatings, cardiovascular devices, antimicrobials and hygiene, and many other topics.

Cambridge Polymer Group researcher Stephen Spiegelberg will be presenting a paper on the use of antioxidants in medical grade thermoplastics.

More information on the conference call be found at the Medical Plastics Website.

Posted by admin
April 25, 2011

Cement Extrusion Tester

Measurement of cement curing kinetics is critical for both R&D and quality control, but has traditionally required use of either complex and costly rheometers or highly variable qualitative tests for handling characteristics. The new Cement Extrusion Tester (CET), designed by engineers at Cambridge Polymer Group, provides accurate curing kinetics data and quantitative determination of handling characteristics from a single, rapid test.
Designed for analysis of PMMA bone cement, the CET can provide accurate viscosity data for any reacting system with viscosity in the range of 50-5000 Pa*s, including:

    • Quality control
    • Validation
    • Rapid R&D screening
    • Biomedical materials testing
    • General cement cure times
cement thing.jpg

Go to our web site at for more information.

Posted by admin