
November 15, 2013

How dense is that?

Density, or the ratio of the mass of an object to its volume, is a commonly reported material parameter. Density is influenced by the chemical composition of the material, crystallinity, and porosity. The chemical composition depends on the elements that make up the material. Plastics are normally composed of hydrocarbons (carbon and hydrogen), which have lower atomic masses and tend to have densities less than 1 g/ml. Metals, which have higher atomic masses, tend to have densities in excess of 1 g/ml. Water at room temperature has a density around 1 g/ml, which is why plastics tend to float, and metals tend to sink in water.

There are two common methods of measuring the density of solid materials. The first involves a density column, which is a tall cylinder containing a mixture of fluids, often alcohol and water, that establishes a gradient in density, with the most dense fluid at the bottom, and smoothly decreases in density as one moves up the column. Floats of known density are placed in the column, where they settle at a height in the column where the surrounding fluid is equal to their density. An unknown piece of a sample is then placed in the column, where it will descend until it reaches a point in the column where its density matches the column density. By interpolating its position relative to the calibration floats, the density of the sample can be determined. This method is described in ASTM D1505.

In the second method, an analytical balance is required. A piece of an unknown sample is weighed, providing its mass. The sample is then immersed in a fluid of known density, such as water or alcohol, where its mass is counteracted by buoyancy forces (see How to Measure Volume), allowing one to measure the volume. The density is then calculated from the ratio of mass to volume. This method is described in ASTM D792.

Posted by CatherineCerasuolo
November 15, 2013

Updates from the November F04 ASTM Meeting

The medical device task group of ASTM met in Jacksonville, FL from November 12-15th. The meeting starting with a workshop on modularity and tapers in total joint replacement devices, and discussed potential issues with femoral head fretting.

The cleanliness task group worked on two draft standards. The first, a guideline for validation of medical device cleanlines, is now ready for balloting. The second, preparation of test soils for cleanliness testing, is making good progress, and will be ready for balloting soon. The task group also discussed starting a new standard for measuring cleanliness levels of plastic implants.

The PEEK task group heard a presentation about material properties similarities and differences between different grades of PEEK, and further discussed how to replace the test method for heavy metals as lead with a more current assay.

The UHMWPE task group discussed the up-coming round robin study of small punch on UHMWPE (samples are being sent). Net ash on consolidated UHMWPE will be removed from ASTM F648, and new draft standards for electron spin resonance characterization and fatigue crack propagation are in consideration.

In the bone cement group, the preliminary results of a round robin study on the titration method for benzoyl peroxide quantification was presented and discussed.

For the May 2014 meeting, a workshop on Additives in Biomedical Plastics will be held. A soliciation will go out shortly, but all those interested in presenting can also contact Stephen Spiegelberg from Cambridge Polymer Group, who is one of the chairs.

Posted by admin
October 11, 2013

Molecular weight distribution from rheology

The molecular weight distribution of polymers strongly influence their properties, such as tensile strength, crack resistance, and solubility. Gel permeation chromatography is a commonly used technique to measure molecular weight distribution, but relies on the ability of the polymers to be dissolved in a solvent that is readily usable in a GPC column. Additionally, the molecular weight distribution is inferred from polymer standards, which should have a similar, if not identical, repeat unit to the unknown sample for the most reliable results.

Melt rheometry can be be used to determine molecular weight distributions, using the fact that the viscosity of a polymer is strongly dependent on the molecular weight and distribution. For instance, at low shear rates, the zero shear viscosity of a polymer melt scales with the weight average molecular weight to the 3.4 power. Similarly, the dynamic viscoelastic properties of polymer melts can be used to determine the overall molecular weight distribution. To do so, a frequency sweep is conducted on the sample, providing the G' and G" as a function of frequency. Using theoretical models by Mead or Thimm, the molecular weight distribution can then be determined, assuming that the model parameters are known for the polymer in question.

Contact CPG for more information on this technique.

Posted by admin
October 2, 2013

Making an impact


CPG recently purchased a new impact tester, a CEAST 9050 (Instron). With both V-notching and blade notching capabilities, we can perform Izod impact testing on materials in compliance with ASTM D256, as well as impact testing on UHMWPE per ASTM F648. The pneumatic release option on the impact tester allows very reproducible results.

Posted by admin
September 24, 2013

CPG Scientist Elected to a Post at ASTM


CPG researcher Dr. Stephen Spiegelberg was recently elected to the post of Recording Secretary for ASTM Committee F04 “Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices”.  Click here for more information on the committee. The committee's 160 members meet biannually, attending over two days of technical meetings capped by a symposium or workshop on relevant topics in the medical/surgical materials and device industry.

Posted by admin
September 13, 2013

Visit CPG at the Medical Grade Polymer 2013 Technical Conference


17-18 September 2013
Crowne Plaza, Boston/Woburn, Massachusetts
        Click here for more information


Stop by booth 10 and take a look at what we’ve been working on!

Cambridge Polymer Group is your premier contract research resource solving problems with our multi-disciplinary research team and full service laboratory. We provide routine analytical testing on materials, custom test design, consultation, and out-sourced assistance for translational research. We assist clients in developing new materials, design of prototypes for proof-of-concept studies, experimental design and data collection for patents and fund-raising, assistance with 510K approvals, and development of new materials for targeted applications. For problem-solving with your materials, we are a full-service, ISO 9001 certified CRO. 

Medical Grade Polymers 2013 brings together medical device manufacturers and polymer suppliers, and aims to cover all aspects from innovative devices to biocompatibility testing. Experts in medical device design, manufacture and testing along with polymer producers and manufacturing machinery suppliers attend these events to discuss the latest developments in markets, technical and regulatory issues, and production technology.
Posted by admin
September 12, 2013

Birefringence in crystalline polymers


Polarized light microscopy is an effective tool to examine the crystalline structure of materials. In this technique, a sample is placed between two polarizers which are oriented 90 degrees to each other, or are "crossed". Light is transmitted through the polarizers and samples into an objective. Light travelling through the first polarizer becomes polarized in the plane of the polarizer. When it hits the second polarizer, no light will be transmitted as the second polarizer (also called the analyzer) is oriented 90 degrees to the first polarizer, unless the sample is optically anisotropic. Optically anisotropic materials are ones where the optical properties are different when probed in different directions. They have a different refractive index, or speed of light, in different orientations normally due to molecular alignment. Crystalline materials will show birefringence, as will oriented materials (e.g. stretched in one direction) if there is a notable chemical dissimilarity along one axis of the molecule relative to the cross direction (such as polystyrene). In this case, the light will be slowed down along one axis of its path, causing it to rotate as it passes through the sample. As such, a portion of the light will be transmitted through the analyzer, showing up as a bright spot. The amount of rotation depends on the thickness of the sample, the amount of orientation, the wavelength of the light, and the chemical nature of the material. Crystalline samples will often show the classic "Maltese Cross" pattern, such as those seen in the image of polyethylene oxide above. The dark sections in the crystalline structure are the portions where the orientation is either normal or parallel to the polarization axis of the transmitted light, so that the light is not rotated as it passes through the sample. The multi-colored ares in the image above are thicker sections of PEO, which causes the light to undergo multiple rotations, and will separate the white light into various colors, like a prism.

For more information on the theory of birefringence, go to this application note.

Posted by admin