
November 1, 2016

CPG Achieves ISO 9001:2015 Certification



Cambridge Polymer Group is pleased to announce that it is now certified as an ISO 9001:2015 compliant organization by International Certifications Ltd. 

CPG is certified as meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 for the following activities:

  • Contract Research and Analytical Testing Laboratory
  • Design and Manufacture of Custom Materials and Instrumentation

Previous to transitioning to the ISO 9001:2015 standard this November, CPG has maintained ISO 9001:2008 certification since 2010.

ISO 9001:2008 vs. ISO 9001:2015

In September 2015, the International Organization for Standardization released a new revision of the ISO 9001 standard, giving ISO 9001:2008 certified organizations three years to transition. 

In addition to the rigorous quality requirements of ISO 9001:2008, ISO 9001:2015 stipulates that certified organizations assess risk, not only to themselves but also to customers and stakeholders. The updated standard ensures that ISO 9001:2015 certified organizations pay greater attention to the external perspective of customers. 

Cambridge Polymer Group's Commitment to Quality

CPG's early attainment of ISO 9001:2015 demonstrates our commitment to our customers and to quality. We strive to understand our customers' needs and to meet and exceed expectations. Our quality policy is an integral part of our strategy of being recognized as the premier contract research organization in North America, offering a full range of contract research services, excellent technical support and innovative products.

Posted by CatherineCerasuolo
October 28, 2016

Origin of the Jack O'Lantern

CPG molecule pumpkin.jpg

Originally, “Jack o’lantern” meant “man with a lantern,” but was later used to describe the lights that floated over bogs, swamps and marshes. Before science provided possible explanations for these lights, many believed the illuminations to be wandering spirits. Irish children carved lanterns out of turnips and carried them about, simulating the floating lights to scare friends and neighbors.

When the Irish immigrated to North America, they found pumpkins ideal for vegetable lanterns. With its hard, smooth outside rind, the orange Curcurbita was perfect for sculpting scary designs. Carving jack o'lanterns became a popular American Halloween tradition.

Chemical Reactions of Swamp Gases

What was the real cause of the ghost lights? When Italian physicist Alessandro Volta discovered methane in 1776, he posited that the swamp gas interacting with natural electricity produced the swamp lights. Although his hypothesis did not receive much support at the time, it is now generally accepted that the lights are produced by the oxidation of phosphine (PH3), diphosphane (P2H4), and methane (CH4). Created by organic decay, these compounds can cause photon emissions. Only small amounts of phosphine and diphosphane mixtures would be needed to ignite the more plentiful methane to create the swamp lights.

An alternative modern explanation for the lights could be cold flames. These are luminescent pre-combustion auras produced when certain compounds are heated to just below ignition point. Cold flames are usually bluish in color and create very little heat. They occur in an assortment of compounds, including hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes, oils, acids, and waxes. Whether cold flames occur naturally is not known, though many of the compounds which produce cold flames are the byproducts of organic decay.

Other modern hypotheses for the ghost lights include the bio-luminescence of fungus and insects, and the geologic phenomenon of piezoelectricity created under tectonic strain. 

Happy Halloween

At CPG, we pumped our pumpkin full of liquid nitrogen, which we usually use for DMA, TGA, FTIR, and LC-MS. Because we're not just great at solving your polymer problems, we also know how to have some Halloween fun.

Posted by CatherineCerasuolo
October 7, 2016

Hydrogel Horticulture

Flowers usually open to the sun, but scientists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have engineered a polymer bloom that unfurls over the course of two hours, due to the location, strength and number of its molecular bonds. This feat of hydrogel horticulture isn’t just aesthetically pleasing, it also demonstrates how a material can be programmed to change shape over hours and minutes, without an external trigger.

Covalent vs. Physical Crosslinks

The UNC team based their smart material on a soft polymer with the texture of human cartilage. The majority of bonds are reversible physical crosslinks which are easily broken and give the polymer its flexibility. A small portion of the polymer’s molecular bonds are covalent crosslinks, which enable the material to return to its original shape after being stretched, like a rubber band. The UNC team adjusted the molecular structure of their polymer so the physical crosslinks would act as a brake against shape recovery by the covalent crosslinks, allowing control of the rate of shape change.

Biomedical Applications of Shape-Changing Polymers

The ability of smart materials to change shape and function without an outside trigger has many potential biomedical applications, including slow-release drug delivery and minimally invasive surgical procedures.

CPG works with shape-memory materials as well, incorporating them into medical devices to produce environmentally-responsive devices. Our devices respond to temperature, fluid environment, salinity and pH as appropriate.

Journal reference: Nature Communications, 10.1038/ncomms12919

Posted by CatherineCerasuolo
September 28, 2016

The Chemistry of Leaves

The New England office of Cambridge Polymer Group is fortunate to see the brilliant color display every fall as the foliage undergoes its autumnal transformation. Our work in polymer chemistry naturally starts us down the path of wondering what is happening to the leaves to cause this color change. 

The colors in leaves come from three principle sources:



Chlorophyll is responsible for photosynthesis in leaves, and provides them with their green color.



Anthocyanins provide the reddish colors found in fruits such as cherries, strawberries, and cranberries.



Carotenoids provide the orange, brown, and yellow colors in fruits and vegetables like bananas and corn, as well as egg yolks and flowers.

Chemical composition of leaf color

Chlorophyll is produced during the growth of plants, typically in the spring and summer when there is more daylight, resulting in the lush green appearance we associate with those seasons. When the days start to grow shorter resulting in less light, chlorophyll production slows and eventually stops. The chlorophyll eventually degrades and disappears, along with its green color. The remaining pigment types, anthocyanins and carotenoids, which were there all along but dominated by the green chlorophyll, now emerge.

Species vs. Weather

The amount and type of color will depend on the species of tree or bush, but also depend on the weather leading up the fall. Warm days and cool nights will result in the production of sugars in the leaves during the day, with the cool nights keeping the sugars in place by closing off the veins in the leaves. The sugars aid in production of anthocyanin, or the red colors we clamor to see in late September in the New England area.

Posted by CatherineCerasuolo
September 22, 2016

Use of Morcellators to Perform Hysterectomies Declines

Use of power morcellators to perform hysterectomies declined after an April 2014 FDA warning, according to a study published in JAMA.

Columbia University researchers examined hysterectomy trends before and after the 2014 warning that morcellation may cause the spread of cancer in patients with undetected sarcoma. Among women who underwent minimally invasive hysterectomy, power morcellation was used in 13.5 percent in Q1 2013, peaked at 13.7 percent by Q4 2013, and declined to 2.8 percent by Q1 2015.


An electric power morecellator is used during hysterectomy or fibroid removal, if the tissue is too large to extract through laparoscopic incisions. The morcellator pincers grip the tissue and then pull back into the shaft, where the tissue is minced by a rotating blade. If an undetected sarcoma gets cut by a morcellator, the cancer may spread throughout the abdomen and pelvis.

CPG has worked with companies in the woman’s health arena to develop training tools for fibroid removal including tissue and organ models  that replicate the cutting behavior of native tissue. We also provide services in analyzing the cleanliness of biomedical devices, including reprocessing re-usable medical devices such as morcellators. 


Posted by MaryOsward
September 13, 2016

Injectable Hydrogels for Weakened Hearts


Patients who have undergone a heart attack often have thinned-out or otherwise weakened heart walls, which can result in inefficient blood circulation and/or regurgitation, leaving the patient weakened and out of breath. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have developed a biodegradable hydrogel based on hyaluronic acid that can be injected into the walls of the heart in a patient who has undergone a heart attack. The liquid gels in the damaged walls of the heart through the addition of thiol and methacrylate groups, which crosslink the hyaluronic acid. The UPenn team hopes that the approach will result in a stiffened, and therefore more reliable, heart wall.

Injectable hydrogels have been used to improve heart function for several years, including work done at Cambridge Polymer Group. Since 2006, CPG has collaborated with cardiovascular researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital. In several studies, this collaboration has demonstrated that a novel injectable hydrogel developed at CPG can be injected into the hearts of sheep with induced ischemic mitral regurgitation, and the hydrogel-strengthened heart walls can reverse the effects of the mitral regurgitation. 

The hydrogel is based on polyvinyl alcohol, and undergoes no chemical reaction to form the gel, which helps in its safety profile. This approach is minimally invasive, and provides a potential long-term solution to hearts damaged from cardiac events. Read more about the publications by CPG and MGH on this subject here.

Posted by CatherineCerasuolo
September 8, 2016

Hands Off Triclosan


On Friday, September 2nd 2016, the FDA issued a final rule banning the use of 19 different chemicals in antibacterial soaps. The final rule applies to consumer wash products containing one or more of the 19 banned chemicals including the most commonly used ingredients in liquid and bar soaps, triclosan and triclocarban.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there is lack of scientific evidence to support the claim that antibacterial soaps are more effective than plain soap and water. In addition, there is some data suggesting long-term exposure to certain antibacterial chemicals can pose health risks such as bacterial resistance, muscle weakness, and hormone cycle disruption.

In December of 2013, due to consumers’ extensive exposure to the chemicals, the FDA issued a proposed rule requiring manufacturers to provide safety and efficacy data on their products. Several companies began phasing out these chemicals; however, those still utilizing them were required to prove the long-term safety for daily use as well as greater effectiveness in comparison to plain soap and water.

Upon finalization of the rule on September 2nd, 2016 no manufacturers had provided the minimum data necessary to prove the safety and efficacy of any of the 19 banned chemicals. Therefore, the FDA lacked evidence to find the chemicals Generally Recognized as Safe and Effective (GRAS/GRAE). Companies currently using the banned ingredients will have one year to eliminate them or remove their products from the market altogether. The rule does not apply to hand sanitizers or antibacterial agents used in healthcare settings.

If you are seeking to identify triclosan or other antibacterial agents, GC-MS can be used to detect trace levels of antibacterial chemicals in municipal water, soils, and consumer products. CPG performs routine and custom GC-MS, and can assist in determining quantitative levels of antibacterial agents in materials. 

Posted by CatherineCerasuolo